Sandblasting Service in Cumbria
Our system combines the water, blast media and air in a unique patented method that prevents any sparks being created and ensures the best, most efficient use of the air, water and blast media that is possible. Due to the unique patented design, our system allows us to increase or decrease the amount of water, blast media and air which gives greater control and precision over the entire blast process. Unlike standard wet abrasive blasting, the patented Kwikblast System rapidly removes coatings, corrosion and residues leaving surfaces profiled, contaminant free and cleaned to SA 2 ½ , HB 2 ½, SB 2 ½, NACE VIS 9, WAB 6/10 in seconds thereby allowing future applied coatings to stick better for longer.In addition our system is Zone 1 approved, Ex rated, Baseefa accredited, TuV, ATEX and NORSOK compliant
How it works
Blast media coated in a water jacket by surface tension, increases speed and mass enhancing the force of impact upon the blast surface. Water presence lubricates and eliminates hose and nozzle wear.
Blast media hits the surface, the water jacket continues moving but still holding onto the blast media by surface tension. The water jacket hits the surface and prevents any grit bounce.
Water jacket snaps round the blast media into the crack under the blast surface and hydrostatically blasts a larger amount of surface coating away.
End result is a profiled surface, feathered edges and the most efficient use of the least amount of blast media and water.
The blast media we use is predominantly recycled crushed also as Sandblasting is no longer legal
A collection of images capturing some of our work.
While the system is Dustless it's not without mess. The last 3 images show the extent of mess on painted beams.
About South Lakes Dustless Blastings
We are a family business based in Ulverston, South Lakes.
We offer a wide and varied service throughout the North West, ranging from large industrial contracts to small delicate intricate tasks.
Including stone work, beams, paint removal from buildings, graffiti removal to name just a few.
Our mobile blasting benefits from the following:
Minimal Dust – The abrasive gets trapped in water and grounded, eliminating the plume of dust.
Lower Abrasive Consuption – The Dustless Blaster uses less media to do more work.
Less Containment Needed – In most cases, expensive, time consuming containment doesn’t need to be set up.
Doesn’t Affect Nearby Workers – Never sacrifice productivity, other workers can work nearby unaffected.
Please study the images to gain an understanding of the process. We get a lot of enquires asking if there is any mess.
The simple answer is yes there is considerable mess.
Contact us using the form below or directly by clicking the link.
Mon - Fri: 10am - 5pm
​​Saturday: Closed
​Sunday: Closed